
20 Best Tips & Tricks To Get A Great Nights Sleep

Uncover little-known sleep hacks that can revolutionize your bedtime routine. From the science-backed 4-7-8 breathing technique to the surprising benefits of cooling down your room, discover how easy it can be to fall asleep swiftly.

Embracing a night of peaceful slumber is essential for maintaining both physical vitality and mental clarity. However, nearly 35% of the US populace faces challenges in securing a restful night’s sleep, as highlighted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This sleep deficiency can escalate the risk of severe health ailments such as cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes.

As adults, garnering around seven hours of sleep is crucial, although this requirement may vary with age. If you find yourself tossing and turning, here’s a curated list of 20 scientifically-backed techniques to expedite your journey to dreamland.

  1. Cool It Down:

    • A mellow, cool room is a sanctuary for sound sleep. By adjusting the thermostat to a range of 60-67°F, you create a conducive environment for sleep. Additionally, immersing in a warm bath 1-2 hours before bedtime can accelerate the body’s thermoregulation process, signaling it’s time to wind down.
  2. The 4-7-8 Breathing Technique:

    • This rhythmic breathing technique, heralded by Dr. Andrew Weil, is a tranquil bridge to a serene sleep realm. By engaging in a cycle of inhaling for 4 counts, holding for 7, and exhaling for 8, you usher a wave of calmness that sets a peaceful prelude to sleep.
  3. Sleep Schedule:

    • Cultivating a consistent sleep schedule fine-tunes your internal circadian rhythm, creating a natural alignment with the body’s sleep-wake cycle. By adhering to regular bedtime and wake-up times, you foster a rhythm that eases the transition into sleep.

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  1. Embrace Light and Dark:

    • Harmonize your body’s internal clock with the rhythm of the sun. Revel in daylight to boost your alertness and when dusk falls, dim the lights to signal your body it’s time to transition into a restful state. Every additional hour basking in natural light could translate to falling asleep 30 minutes earlier, nurturing your sleep quality and duration.
  2. Yoga, Meditation, and Mindfulness:

    • Engage in a trinity of relaxation with yoga, meditation, and mindfulness. Yoga’s gentle stretches coupled with mindful breathing are a prelude to tranquility, while meditation invites a serene mind. Mindfulness anchors you to the present, shedding the stress that might be barricading your path to peaceful slumber.
  3. Ditch the Clock-Watching Habit:

    • Abandon the ticking tyranny of the clock, especially when sleep seems elusive. Each glance at the clock can spike anxiety, making sleep an even more distant dream. Veil the clock or place it out of sight to resist the temptation of time-checking.
  4. Nap Wisely:

    • While a short daytime nap can revitalize your energy, long or late-day naps could hijack your nighttime sleep. If napping seems to interfere with your sleep, adjust the duration, timing, or consider eliminating naps to see how your nighttime sleep responds.
  5. Mind Your Meals:

    • Your diet holds a dialogue with your sleep quality. Avoid heavy or high-carb meals close to bedtime as they could disrupt your sleep. Instead, opt for a balanced meal with a mix of proteins, healthy fats, and fibers to support a night of restful sleep.
  6. Tune into Tranquil Tunes:

    • Serenade your senses with soothing music to ease into a state of relaxation. Melodic tunes can act as a bridge from the hustle of the day to the calmness of the night, improving your sleep onset and quality.
  7. Daily Dose of Exercise:

    • Propel your body into action during the day to reap a night of rewarding sleep. Regular exercise, especially when embraced outdoors, can bolster your sleep quality. However, keep vigorous workouts distanced from bedtime to avoid an adrenaline rush when you should be winding down.
  8. Get Comfortable:

    • Nestle into comfort with a supportive mattress and cozy bedding. Your choice of mattress, pillows, and even your sleepwear contributes to your sleep comfort. Explore options like orthopedic pillows or weighted blankets that might offer a snug sleep environment.
  9. Turn off the Electronics:

    • Bid adieu to screens at least an hour before bedtime. The blue light emitted can sabotage your sleep by suppressing melatonin, the sleep-inducing hormone. Trade the electronic gadgets for a book or a soothing music playlist to transition into sleep mode.
  10. Try Aromatherapy:

    • Immerse your senses in the calming aura of essential oils. Lavender or chamomile oils are known for their sleep-inducing properties. A simple diffuser can disperse the relaxing aroma, creating a tranquil ambiance for sleep.
  11. Write Before Bed:

    • Pour your thoughts onto paper to clear the mental clutter before bedtime. Journaling or drafting a to-do list for the next day can be a therapeutic practice, easing your mind into a restful state.
  12. Limit Caffeine Intake:

    • Caffeine is a known sleep burglar. Limit its intake especially in the hours leading to bedtime to ensure it doesn’t hijack your sleep. Opt for calming herbal teas like chamomile as your evening beverage instead.
  13. Adjust Your Sleep Position:

    • Your sleep position can be a game-changer in your quest for quality sleep. Experiment with different positions to find what suits you best. Sleeping on your side, for instance, could alleviate issues like sleep apnea and snoring.
  14. Read:

    • Delve into the pages of a print book to usher a state of relaxation. Unlike electronic screens, print books don’t emit sleep-disrupting blue light, making them a perfect companion for your pre-sleep routine.
  15. Focus on Staying Awake:

    • Paradoxically, trying to stay awake rather than forcing sleep can ease sleep anxiety. This technique known as Paradoxical Intention can sometimes trick the mind into a relaxed state, making sleep a welcomed outcome.
  16. Visualize Happy Things:

    • Let your imagination roam in pleasant scenarios rather than counting sheep. Visualizing calming or joyful images can divert your mind from stressful thoughts, easing the passage into dreamland.
  17. Explore Sleep-enhancing Supplements:

    • Certain supplements like magnesium or melatonin could be allies in improving your sleep. However, it’s prudent to consult with a healthcare provider before introducing any new supplements to your regimen.

We have some great vitamins and supplements that can help you get that restful nights sleep check them out here


Battling with restless nights can morph into a daunting ordeal. By embracing these meticulously curated strategies, you pave the way for restorative sleep, nurturing your mind and body for the day ahead.

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